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Memory Café

phone  When :
Feb 25, 2024 @ 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
phone   Where :
400 Old Bernal Avenue, Pleasanton, CA, United States - 94566
Memory Café

Join staff for the library's newest program, Memory Cafés, which utilize our new Memory Kits! Especially recommended for adults and their families and/or caregivers, but welcome to all who enjoy reminiscing. 

Memory Cafés are intended to be a safe space where caregivers and their loved ones can socialize, listen to music, play games, and enjoy other appropriate activities.

Each memory kit contains interactive activities that can be used independently or with caregivers and families. Memory Kits can provide a tool for adults to recall memories and to engage in meaningful conversations about their life experiences around the items. For families and caregivers, the kits provide an enjoyable activity to enhance their time spent together. Activities are varied, but tend to focus on topics that are apt to cause one to reminisce about times gone by. That “connection” to the past can be as comforting as it is medically beneficial.

This program series and collection are made possible thanks to the Pacific Library Partnership's Innovation & Technology grant program, as well as the Pleasanton Senior Center.

Additional Information:

Sponsor :
Pleasanton Library
Contact Name :
Jeff Gibson
Email :
Phone :
Website :